Monday, November 14, 2005

After years of reading blogs and seeing my friends blog I have (insert drumroll) decided to overcome my natural inertia and enter the blogosphere myself. One of the reasons I've hesitated is the fear of going many days without anything relevent to say. So I've decided to adopt what I'm calling the triple strike approach defined as three instances where I go 3 days without a post (without a fantastically good reason like hospitalization or other inability to access the net) then I'm going the shut the whole thing down as a failed experiment. So that gives me until Thursday to come up with another post...

The other reason I've avoided blogging is because while I have used computers sucessfully in a number of areas, web pages/html is definitely not an area of expertise for me. So this blog is going to be very minimalist (e.g. few pictures, links, basic template, etc.) until I get more confident in what I'm doing.

So what's my blog about? Naturally, things that interest me. These are: current events, politics, history, science-fiction and fantasy, writing (I'm working on a novel, which I hope to publish one day) and anything else that catches my eye. You will not see a lot of references to popular culture (like Madonna's new CD, I acknowledge it exits and try to have as little to do with it as I possibly can) with the possible exception of the occasional movie that interests me (there have been three so far this year). Nor will you see much reference to sports (except that I'm a big Calgary Flames fan, which will no doubt come through from time), or my personal life (which is pretty uninteresting anyway).

So, I hope you enjoy the ride (long or short as it may be), but I must confess since I'm doing this for my own pleasure, I won't really lose sleep if you don't enjoy it.


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