Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Quote of the Day

"They decided that forcing an election was more important than giving middle-income Canadians the full benefit of our tax cuts. Well let me tell them that they can explain themselves to Canadians, because as Liberals we will go into every riding in this land, and we will say to the people of our country, you have a real stake in this election." Paul Martin to his caucus after the non-confidence vote of November 28, 2005... source: Globe and Mail

Ah yes, let's start the campaign by rewriting history (a sound Liberal tactic). Let's ignore the fact that Mr. Martin has been Prime Minister for almost two years and in that time has brought down at least two budgets and two economic updates before this month's promise of tax cuts. And that promise just happened to be delivered one day after the three opposition leaders agreed to bring down Mr. Martin's government (and less than three weeks after his own Finance Minister had said that any changes to taxation rates would have to wait until next February's budget). Let's forget the fact that he had two years left to run on his first mandate and that 17 months passed in his second before he could 'find the time' to promise these middle-income tax cuts.

I'm left wondering if the Prime Minister of Canada thinks I'm stupid or I merely have serious memory problems. I sure hope that Anne McLellan tries that line on me when she knocks on my door, it will be a fun time!

Have to give the Godfather credit for one thing, the last part of that quote is the unvarnished truth...


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