Thursday, December 08, 2005

Why I've been so quiet...

It’s been a difficult past few days for me watching this election. My attraction to the Conservatives is waning. You see, there’s this guy, Stephen Harper, and he’s been opening his mouth and issuing a policy each day. Now I know the theory behind this strategy. It keeps your guy in the headlines, it shows you’re a party with ideas, and it may even enhance your image as a government-in-waiting.


It’s also the strategy the Conservatives/Alliance/Reform have used in the 2004, 2001, 1997 and 1993 elections (with a consistent unfortunate outcome); and also maybe keeping your ‘guy’ in the headlines and on the TV isn’t such a good idea when polling has consistently shown that he is the least-liked aspect of your party. But most of all, I really hate this strategy because the ideas that Mr. Harper has put forward have mostly fallen into three categories:

  • Completely irrelevant to me (e.g. Small Business and Child Care platforms);
  • Poorly thought out and incomplete (e.g. the public officials prosecuting department); and
  • Grossly opportunistic and stupid (the GST reduction).

Eventually, I will calm down enough to blog coherently on why I hate the GST thing so much but I’m afraid I’m still at the no, NO, NO, Arrgghhhhhhhh stage.

So it’s with great relief that today’s incredibly stupid policy release comes from the party I love to hate: “Martin says Liberals would ban handguns

This is dumb on so many levels. After all, it’s not like handgun use isn’t already so restricted that it’s virtually impossible for a law-abiding citizen to acquire one legally. Moreover, it may have perhaps eluded the Liberals that the recent rash of street crimes being committed in Toronto and Vancouver are being done with guns that are already illegal. And I certainly don’t think the issue is that cops in Vancouver or Toronto are afraid to act when they see someone carrying a handgun because they think that person could produce a permit on demand…

No, this is purely a ‘let’s-enact-a-useless-law-that-will-make-us-feel-good’ response. It’s all about dealing perception rather than reality, a motherhood statement that will do nothing to deal with the real problem and might even attract some ‘law and order’ votes. In short, it’s the Liberals governing as usual.

The universe has rightened itself, the balance is restored, I can blog about the election again…


Blogger Allie Wojtaszek said...

I must agree about the handgun thing, but maybe for different reasons... I am not a gun supporter and I think gun control is a good idea.

But why punish people, who have complied with the law and have gone through the lengthy process and pain of registering their handguns, by using that registry to take away their hand guns?

It doesnt make any sense to me. AND these people are going to be pissed.

4:57 p.m.  
Blogger Quynn said...

I don't oppose 'gun control' per se, in the sense that things like licensing, waiting periods, background checks, aren't that offensive to me like they are to say someone in the NRA. Of course now, opponents of a registry will certainly feel vindicated thanks to this proposal...

What I am opposed to is implementing a system that excludes gun ownership from the civilian population except for criminals. And if that makes me a 'gun supporter', then so be it...

5:16 p.m.  

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