Monday, December 12, 2005

"Working families need care. They need care that is regulated, safe and secure and that's what we're building here. Don't give people $25 a week to blow on beer and popcorn. Give them child-care spaces that work." Scott Reid, Communications advisor to Prime Minister Paul Martin. Source: Globe and Mail

Apparently, Stephen Harper is saddened by such comments while other Conservatives have expressed shock and outrage. May I suggest another approach? How about gratitude? If I was running the Conservative war-room (and admittedly there are many, many reasons why I should not be), I would have suggested the following response:

'We're very grateful to Mr. Reid and his contribution to the debate on child care in Canada. In a few short sentences, Mr. Reid has clearly outlined the Liberal party philosophy that big government works best and individual Canadians really can't be trusted to make intelligent decisions when it comes to raising their children. And there's no need to apologize for a rare flash of honesty, Mr. Reid. After all, you have brilliantly demonstrated the contempt a Liberal government feels for Canadian parents and why they feel child-care must be placed into a 'regulated, safe and secure' program run by government. We hope Canadian parents take you at your word and remember this contempt when they vote on January 23, 2006.'

After all, every once in a while, shouldn't we take the Liberals at their word? Just for the novelty, if nothing elseā€¦


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